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NABH Champions PAC:
The Key to Our Advocacy Success

NABH Champions PAC: The Key to Our Advocacy Success

The National Association for Behavioral Healthcare’s (NABH) mission is removing barriers to care and expanding access. The NABH Political Advocacy Program is committed to protecting this critical mission. Here’s how:


NABH lobbyists establish relationships with Members of Congress and educate them about the impact their decisions have on the behavioral healthcare industry. This helps build bridges of understanding between our providers and lawmakers.

Our team advocates for the interests of NABH’s members and has a proven advocacy track record on legislative and regulatory issues. Our recent highlights include:

Legislative and Regulatory Highlights

  • Reauthorized key provisions of the SUPPORT Act, eliminating outdated federal rules that block access to treatments, including the 190-Day Lifetime Limit and the IMD Exclusion.
  • Advocated for removal of geographic origination requirements for telehealth services
  • Advocated for contingency management funding in federal programs; OIG issued opinion that better aligns with evidence-base
  • Made permanent requirements that state Medicaid Plans provide coverage for Medication Assisted Treatment.
  • Stoped legislation that would endanger patient safety by relaxing restrictions on who can prescribe and dispense methadone to treat opioid-use disorder.
  • Expanded the mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) workforce.

Grasstops Advocacy

Member participation is key to ensuring elected officials know we are invested in our industry’s future.


Congress wants to hear from you.

  • Attend NABH Hill Day. Meet with Congress in their Washington, D.C. offices to advocate for behavioral healthcare priorities.
  • Host a Congressional Visit at your facility. Show Congress the critical role that you play in their district.

NABH Champions PAC

The only association PAC dedicated to representing the needs of behavioral healthcare providers.

Every dollar contributed to the PAC goes directly toward electing and reelecting champions for behavioral healthcare on both sides of the aisle in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. We support candidates who are supportive of ensuring greater access to care; that sit on key committees of jurisdiction; or that have a significant NABH presence in their district.

Be an advocate!

Your contributions to the NABH Champions PAC enhance our lobbying and grasstops efforts. By strengthening these assets, we can promote the interests of behavioral healthcare providers and secure patient access to care across the entire behavioral healthcare continuum.

Questions? Please see our FAQ here or contact Andy Dodson at